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Campaign logo for use in your own promotional materials.
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As one of our most important branding elements, the United
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logo must always appear as shown on this page. Never attempt to
redraw the logo, break apart its elements or add other graphic
elements directly to it. Always resize the logo proportionately. The
logo must appear along the right margin in all materials, except for
When reproduction constraints
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2007 United Way Community Campaign Stories
Shawn’s story
A safe place to live and a house to call your
home … Simple things that can have a huge impact on a family.
Locally, your United Way Community Investment contributions
are helping to strengthen families by increasing their financial
independence and improve their quality of life. One example is
Shawn’s grandmother, first time homeowner Patricia Tummings, who was
able to purchase a home of her own with the guidance of several
United Way Community Investment funded programs.
In July of 2004, Tummings says she was tired —
tired of climbing up three flights of stairs to her third floor
apartment, — tired of paying rent — and tired of having to restrict
her then five-year-old grandson, Shawn’s, energy to avoid upsetting
other tenants. She decided she wanted to make a change and purchase
a home of her own. She began taking steps toward home ownership at
the Urban League of Greater Hartford, a United Way Community
Investment partner agency, where she signed up for the
First-time Home Buyers Program. The program provides one-on-one
education and pre-purchase counseling for individuals and families
beginning the process of purchasing their first home.
After an initial assessment, Tummings’ Urban
League housing counselor referred her to Co-Opportunity, the lead
agency of the Hartford Asset Building Collaborative (HABC), another
United Way Community Investment partner. Through the
collaborative Tummings was able to take a financial literacy course
that helped her qualify for an Individual Development Account (IDA),
to save for a home. Her savings in the IDA were matched two to
For well over a year, Tummings saved through
her IDA and worked to improve her credit using the skills she
learned in the financial literacy course. In December of 2005 she
purchased her home which was built by Christian Activities Council (CAC),
a local nonprofit development corporation. In the Urban League
First-time Home Buyers Program, Tummings learned the value of
joining block associations and being a good neighbor and responsible
citizen. That’s why she was quick to get involved when she learned
about her neighborhood association. “This is a safe place for my
family and I want it to stay that way,” she says. Your contribution
to Community Investment helped Patricia Tummings give her
grandson a safe place to live, to grow and to play by helping to
increase their financial independence.
* IDAs are available to working families whose
income qualifies them for the program. For example, in 2007, a
family of four with a combined annual household income of
approximately $40,000 or less would qualify for an IDA.
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Megan’s story
The Lupus Foundation
of America estimates between 1.5 - 2 million Americans have a form
of lupus, a chronic inflammatory disease that can affect various
parts of the body, especially the skin, joints, blood and kidneys.
Despite the large number of people diagnosed with lupus, many
Americans are unaware of what the disease means and how it affects
those who suffer from it.
Megan was diagnosed
with lupus just over two years ago. Even though Megan looks like a
typical 13 year-old girl on the outside, on the inside she struggles
with a great deal of pain from her illness. She often lacks the
energy she needs to get through the day as a healthy child would,
causing her to miss school on occasion and making participation in
many sports or after school activities challenging. Unfortunately,
many people don’t understand what lupus is and it causes them to
react negatively to Megan at times.
“As a mother the
worst thing is to see your child struggling with an illness, but
then to have to watch her struggle with people’s fear of that
illness, it just breaks my heart,” says Megan’s mom Melissa. “There
are many parents, who don’t want my daughter to be with their
children. What they don’t understand is that Megan can’t infect
their children. I just want them to see her for the beautiful child
that she is.”
The Lupus
Foundation, Connecticut Chapter connected Megan and her mom to
another family with a daughter, Aida, who is Megan’s age and also
struggles with lupus. Of her friendship with Aida Megan says, “I
became a lot stronger once me and Aida became friends. She
understands what I’m going through.”
Lupus hasn’t stopped
Megan from living a full and happy life. Not only is she a good
student and a member of her school’s cheerleading team, but she and
her family also work closely with the Lupus Foundation to help raise
awareness about the disease. Whether she is participating in walks
or speaking in front of Congress, Megan is determined to help people
understand lupus isn’t contagious, but her courage can be. Your
contribution to
Community Investment
helps Megan achieve her goal.
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Miranda’s story
Having enough to
eat… a basic need that makes a huge impact on a child. According to
Foodshare, the regional food bank for Hartford and Tolland counties,
approximately 40,000 children in the Greater Hartford area rely on
food assistance programs. Locally, your United Way
Community Investment
contributions are helping to feed children in need each day after
Every week day
afternoon, at the Southwest Boys and Girls Club in Hartford, Monday,
over 100 children are provided with a hot, balanced meal.
Recognizing that the economy is difficult right now and there is a
hunger need not being met, the Club is working with Foodshare, both
United Way
Community Investment
funded agencies, to provide the children with a late afternoon meal
and prevent many from going without dinner.
“It [the dinner
program] actually is essential to our programming here because it
provides the kids with the energy and nourishment they need to get
through the second half of the day,” says Kristina Battle, Unit
Director at the Southwest Boys and Girls Club. “For many of our
kids, this meal is the last meal they have, there is no dinner
waiting for them at home.”
Miranda has been
attending the Southwest Boys and Girls Club’s after school program
for almost a year. There she is safe to learn, play and grow, while
her mom finishes her work day with the peace of mind that comes with
knowing her child is well cared for and fed.
No child can be
expected to excel academically, socially or emotionally if they
haven’t had enough to eat and no child should have to go to bed
hungry. Today, thanks to the Club’s partnership with Foodshare and
Community Investment
contributions, Miranda, like the more than 100 other children who
benefit from the dinner program at the Club, doesn’t have to do her
homework on an empty stomach. When asked about the dinner program
Miranda says, “I think this is a good way for us to get healthy and
the food tastes good.”
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What your dollar buys in the
40-town Capital Region
$1 a week provides free vision screening for
three preschool children.
$1 a week helps one person develop their
literacy skills.
$2 a week helps one senior citizen get the
support they need to continue to live safely in their own home with
$2 a week provides help for more than 60
children with special learning needs so they can improve their
reading, language and math skills.
$5 a week provides one family with diabetes
$5 a week helps four people receive the
emergency services they need such as food, shelter and counseling.
$10 a week helps four children gain access to
tutoring so they can achieve better grades in school.
$15 a week helps two families obtain safe and
affordable housing.
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ecial Events

the links below for information about Special Events that can help
make your campaign a success.
Special Event Ideas
Fundraising and Gift Incentives (Vendor)
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of Caring

September 7, 2007 will be United Way Community Campaign
Day of Caring XVI, and the beginning of the 2007 United Way Community Campaign! In 40 towns in north central Connecticut, more than 4,000 company employees will volunteer their time and talents to do much needed projects at hundreds of local non-profit organizations. For more information about how to participate in
Day of Caring XVI, please contact Sue Lakin at (860)493-6821 or slakin@uwcact.org.
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