When you give through United Way,
you invest in what matters:
successful children, strong families
and a thriving community.
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campaign toolkit : targeted areas of care


The United Way Community Campaign provides donors the opportunity to direct their gift to the causes that are important to them. The following ways to direct gifts correspond with those indicated on the pledge form.  They are:

Community Investment
Interest Area



When your co-workers fill out a pledge form, whether online or on paper, they control where their contribution goes and how it will be used to help change lives and improve community conditions.

The best way to make the most of every dollar is to choose Community Investment. These dollars support programs and initiatives that are doing the most to help those in need -- from helping children start school ready to learn to helping people meet basic human needs, acquire job skills, cope with illness and much more.

A contribution directly to Community Investment does things no single contribution to a single agency could ever accomplish. For example, rather than providing one night's shelter for a homeless family, a contribution through Community Investment will not only provide the quick fixes of shelter, food, clothes but will also provide GED or job skills classes, health counseling, child care and many other services that may be needed to effect long-term change for a family.

Community Investment dollars support local programs with a proven record of ensuring that children are successful, that families are strong and healthy and that a safety net of services are provided for those in need.

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Interest Areas provide an opportunity for your co-workers to direct their contributions to support  programs in particular areas of local concern. The interest areas are:

  • Ensuring Children are Successful – Preparing young  children to be ready to learn when they enter school, improving academic and social skills so young people are better prepared to enter the workplace and providing safe and challenging before- and after- school programs that keep students in school.
  • Strengthening  Families – Building family financial stability and independence by improving literacy and employment skills to get a job and increase earning potential. Also, helping families learn how to budget and save for such things as better housing, transportation or education.
  • Safety Net of Services – Meeting basic needs to help people in crisis get back on their feet through programs that provide food, shelter, crisis hotlines, counseling and disaster response. Support elderly and those with mental or physical health needs through visiting nurses and respite care. Also, help prevent problems through neighborhood block watches, developing affordable housing, AIDS education, and emergency preparedness and response.
  • Neighborhood Arts and Heritage – Enrich and celebrate our community's diversity through arts and cultural programs in collaboration with the Greater Hartford Arts Council and other community organizations.
  • Community Health Charities of Connecticut – Includes 37 respected health charities working statewide on prevention, treatment, finding cures and wellness programs to address such health issues as Alzheimer's, arthritis, cancer, diabetes, heart disease and multiple sclerosis.

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Other – Your co-workers also can direct contributions to a qualified not-for-profit organization recognized as a 501(c)(3) by the Internal Revenue Service. They can do so by printing the not-for-profit’s name, address and phone number when pledging online or on paper.

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