When you give through United Way,
you invest in what matters:
successful children, strong families
and a thriving community.
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campaign toolkit : day of caring: what your dollars buy

Your co-workers may ask what a weekly donation through the United Way Community Campaign will buy.

Here are some examples:

$2 a week helps one of more than 11,000 young people develop marketable skills in preparation for entering the

$3 a week helps one of more than 44,000 individuals have shelter, clothing and food for a night.

$4 a week provides vision screening for 10 children.

$6 a week helps one of more than 62,000 young people be safe and improve academic and social skills in an
after-school program.

$7 a week helps one of nearly 600 people who need to develop or improve their job skills to gain or retain

$10 a week trains volunteers about facts and answers to health-related concerns so they can help families cope
in times of need.

$12 a week helps one of more than 1,400 people receive literacy training to read and write.

$15 a week helps one of more than 2,600 children build a relationship with a caring adult mentor.


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Website development by DMCteam.com